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My Current Mama Mantra

Writer's picture: Erin BojeErin Boje

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

I wanted to share with you a mantra that's been getting me through my days, and that has been pretty valid for every scenario of #momlife I've been experiencing lately. Something I have learned and been thinking about lately is this...

There is this amazing thing that happens when the caretaker of a household takes time and space to prioritize self-care, a shift that can be felt by everyone inside the home.

It just kind of hit me this week that I am 32 weeks pregnant, and feeling a little overwhelmed with life piling up around me! I don't have a nursery setup for baby girl yet, my house still needs settling, cleaning, decorating from our move months ago (trying to give myself grace here, but our house is a mess), we have a renovation project on the house that we own next door to ours that has been keeping us busy for months and months and it is still not done (I'm getting anxiety just thinking about it!), both Weston and I are in a phase of SO MANY doctor's appointments (taking Wes to the eye doctor so much lately has been just a struggle, for both him and I), and I'm trying to stay healthy, calm, and active to prep for labor and birth that's coming up quicker than I'm ready for... Just all of the things. I felt a moment of discouragement this week during one of Weston's eye doctor appointments. Trying to keep a toddler happy, cooperative, and not fearful during these long eye doctor appointments is such a challenge! Some days I just feel defeated as a mama, like there is nothing I can do to make it better or make him less nervous or anxious during these appointments. But I know that I have to keep trying, continue to make it positive and fun, and stay strong for him. It's just hard not to get discouraged, or feel like there is something wrong with the way I mother him that has caused him to be so fearful of strangers and doctors. That mom guilt is real. But why do we place this expectation of perfection on ourselves as mothers? We are the perfect mamas for our babies, yet there is no way we will ever achieve perfection in our parenting. And our babies do not need us to be perfect, they have to learn and grow with us, watch us make mistakes, watch us grow as mamas, so that they can have space to grow and make mistakes too.

So I've been feeling all the things this week, mama highs and lows! There is this sense of urgency that pregnant mamas start to feel around this time in the third trimester. It's hard to describe. I feel the anxiety getting real every day. I feel like there is never enough time, and I can only accomplish so much with a toddler at my feet and a baby in my belly.

But in the middle of the chaos, I know there is beauty. And there is room for grace. And there is room for imperfection. And this is the time to ease up on myself and all of the self-imposed pressure that I carry around, and to let go of the need for perfection.

So I'm forcing myself to make space and room for self care. For me self care looks like... rising in the morning to get in my yoga practice or a workout, or choosing to let myself sleep in here and there when my body needs rest. Self care looks like asking for help for things that I just am not able to do on my own right now (this is the hardest for me!). It looks like taking a breath outside, being present with a friend, belly laughing with my toddler, and taking a minute to sip my coffee. It also looks like letting myself eat the chocolate, take a bath at night when my little goes to bed, turning off my phone and setting boundaries from social media every once in a while, or reading my favorite magazine instead of a birth book (I'm guilty of reading allllll of the birth books!).

So right now I'm keeping it pretty simple, but this mantra is just so valid for this season of my life right now.

My mama mantra right now is this...

I AM...

In every scenario, in every moment, I have been trying to remind myself of this.

I am...

I am enough. I am the perfect mother for my babies. I am meant to be right here, right now. I am stronger than I think. I am light for someone else's darkness. I am worthy. I am loved. I am raising my babies just the way they need. I am allowed to have bad days. I am not meant to "have it all together". I am designed perfectly to carry and birth my babies. I am resilient. I am here for a reason. I am a strong, powerful, graceful, amazing mama.

In the midst of your chaos, give yourself the time. Give yourself the grace. Allow the kitchen to be dirty. Let yourself take a shower. And take time in your day to move your body, in any way that feels good to you.

Keep on keepin' on mamas. When it feels like your life is chaotic and crazy, like you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, or life is just too dang heavy... know that YOU ARE strong, worthy, capable, and loved. That mistake you made yesterday? Let it go. Your babies need to see you make mistakes and messes, cry and get angry, and apologize and forgive yourself. Give. Yourself. Grace. YOU ARE all of those things and more, because you are a strong warrior mama and capable of more than you think!

I'm hoping that next week pregnancy and mom life feels a little bit lighter, and in the mean time I'm just telling myself over and over that I AM.

Any other mantras resonating with you lately? What is keeping you grounded during this season of your life? What struggles and celebrations are you experiencing right now? Click SUBSCRIBE at the bottom of the home page and drop me a message!

You got this mamas, I'm proud to be in community with you.


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